create a new task, from the main menu navigate to Tasks and click on the New Task button.
- Subject – Enter the subject for the task in order to easily identify it.
- Hourly Rate – Set task hourly rate (If this is for a customer, set the rate you charge your customer)
- Start Date – Set the date when the task should be valid.
- Due Date – Set the due date when this task should be finished.
- Priority – Select task priority, Low, Medium, High, Urgent.
- Repeat Every – If you want to mark this task as recurring to be repeated based on the period selected, select recurring options accordingly to your needs.
- Related To – If you want to associate the task to a specific feature like project, customer, invoice etc.. you can choose from this list.
- Tags – Add task tags for easier identification, for example, bug, wordpress, etc…
- Task Description – Provide additional information for the task.
- Click Save
After you create the task, you will be able to add staff members and followers directly in the task modal from the right side.
When a follower or assignee is added to the task, the user will receive an email and bell notifications that he/she is added as assignee or follower to the task, if you need to adjust the email templates that are sent to the user, you can do this in Setup->Email Templates.
Fill out the task form.
After you are done click save. Click the task to go into the task and add checklist items. Your employee will check them off as they go.
Your employee can add their time using time sheets.
Or they can use a timer.
Once they are done, they can click complete (Checkmark on the top right.)